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Food Hygiene (Including Procedure for Reporting Food Poisoning) 

Policy Statement:

In our setting we provide and/or serve food for children on the following basis: 

  • Snacks.
  • Meals.

We maintain the highest possible food hygiene standards with regard to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of food. We are registered as a food provider with the local authority Environmental Health Department. 


  • The person in charge and the person responsible for food preparation understands all principles as set out in Safer Food Better Business. The basis for this is risk assessment as is applies to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of food to prevent growth of bacteria and food contamination. 
  • All staff follow the guidelines of Safer Food Better Business. 
  • At least one person has an in-date Food Hygiene Certificate. 
  • The person responsible for food preparation and serving carries out daily opening and closing checks on the kitchen to ensure standards are met consistently. (See Safer Food Better Business.) 
  • We use reliable suppliers for the food we purchase. 
  • Food is stored at correct temperatures and is checked to ensure it is in-date and not subject to contamination by pests, rodents or mould. 
  • Food preparation areas are cleaned before use as well as after use. 
  • There are separate facilities for hand washing and for washing up. 
  • All surfaces are clean and non-porous. 
  • All utensils, crockery etc. are clean and stored appropriately. 
  • Waste food is disposed of daily. 
  • Cleaning materials and other dangerous materials are stored out of children's reach. 
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen. 
  • When children take part in cooking activities, they: 

-  Are supervised at all times; 

-  Understand the importance of hand washing and simple hygiene rules 

-  Are kept away from hot surfaces and hot water; and 

-  Do not have unsupervised access to electrical equipment such as blenders etc. 

Reporting of Food Poisoning: 

  • Food poisoning can occur for a number of reasons; not all cases of sickness or diarrhoea are as a result of food poisoning and not all cases of sickness or diarrhoea are reportable. 
  • Where children and/or adults have been diagnosed by a GP or hospital doctor to be suffering from food poisoning and where it seems possible that the source of the outbreak is within the setting, the manager will contact the Environmental Health Department and the Health Protection Agency, to report the outbreak and will comply with any investigation. 
  • If the food poisoning is identified as a notifiable disease under the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988 the setting will report the matter to OFSTED. 


Visits and Outings Policy Statement

As part of their learning and development the children at the nursery undertake a range of local outings including walks, visits etc. off the premises and permission will be sought for your child to be included in such outings. Outings and visits are planned to compliment and enhance learning opportunity and extend play opportunities for the children. These will be carefully planned and the following guidelines will be followed on all outings from the nursery, however local or frequent they may occur. 

  • Written permission will always be obtained from parents before taking children on trips 
  • Appropriate staffing levels for outings depend on how the safety and the individual needs of the children can be assured 
  • A travel first aid box will always be taken on all outings along with any special medication or equipment required
  • A completed Trip Register and parent/staff contact numbers will be taken on all outings further afield 
  • Regular headcounts will be carried out throughout the outing. Timing of headcounts will be discussed in full with the nursery manager prior to the outing 
  • A senior member of staff will always carry out a risk assessment identifying any potential hazards on the journey or at the location prior to the outing. 
  • All staff will be easily recognisable by other members of the group; they will wear the nursery uniform. Children will be easily identified by staff when on a trip by use of a sticker system. The nursery name, number and mobile number will be displayed 
  • At least one qualified first aider will always be a member of the group 
  • A fully charged mobile phone will be taken as a means of emergency contact 
  • In the event of an accident, staff will assess the situation, if required, the group will return to nursery immediately and parents will be contacted to collect their child. In the event of a serious accident an ambulance will be called at the scene, as well as parents being contacted. One member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital, and the rest of the group will return to the nursery 

A risk assessment will be carried out before the outing. This will ensure that the chosen venue is appropriate for the age, stage and development of the children. 

A full risk assessment and outing plan will be carried out for each outing and this will be displayed for parents to access. 

This plan will include details of: 

  • The name of the designated person in charge - the outing leader 
  • The name of the place where the visit will take place 
  • The estimated time of departure and arrival 
  • The number of children, age range of children, the ratio of staff to children, children’s individual needs and the group size 
  • The equipment needed for the trip i.e. coats, safety reins, pushchairs, rucksack, packed lunch, etc. 
  • Staff contact numbers 
  • Method of transportation and travel arrangements (including the route) 
  • Financial arrangements 
  • Emergency procedures 
  • The name of the designated first aider and the first aid provision 
  • Links to the child’s learning and development needs 



Use of vehicles for outings: 

All staff members shall inform parents in advance of any visits or outings involving the transportation of children away from the nursery. 

The arrangements for transporting children will always be carefully planned and where necessary additional people will be recruited to ensure the safety of the children. This is particularly important where children with disabilities are concerned. 

All vehicles used in transporting children are properly licensed, inspected and maintained. Regular checks are made to the vehicle e.g. to tyres, lights etc. and a log book of maintenance, repairs and services is maintained. 

The vehicle is kept in proper order and is fully insured for business use and is also protected by breakdown cover.

All vehicles are fitted to the supplier’s instructions with sufficient numbers of safety restraints, appropriate to the age/weight of the children carried in the vehicle. Any mini buses/coaches are fitted with 3-point seat belts. 

When we use a mini bus, the driver is checked that they are over 21 years of age and hold a P.V.C. driving license. This entitles the driver to transport up to 16 passengers. 

When children are being transported, there is always be at least one adult in the vehicle, excluding the driver, where more than three children under the age of five years are being transported. 

When planning a trip or outing using vehicles, records of vehicles and drivers including
MOT certificates and business use insurance are checked. If a vehicle is used for outings the following procedures will be followed: 

  • Ensure seat belts, child seats and booster seats are used 
  • Ensure the maximum seating is not exceeded
  • All children will be accompanied by a registered member of staff 
  • No child will be left in a vehicle unattended 
  • Extra care will be taken when getting into or out of a vehicle 
  • The vehicle will be equipped with a fire extinguisher and emergency kit containing warning triangle, torch, blankets, wheel changing equipment etc. In the event of a child being lost, the Lost Child Procedure will be followed: 
  • Any incidents or accidents will be recorded in writing 
  • OFSTED and Social Services Inspectorate will be contacted and informed of any incidents. 









Policy Statement 

We recognise, where possible, that children are vaccinated in accordance with their age. If children are not vaccinated, it is the responsibility of the parents to inform the nursery to ensure that children/staff/parents are not exposed to any unnecessary risks of any sort. The nursery manager must be aware of any children who are not vaccinated within the nursery in accordance with their age. 

Information regarding immunisations should be recorded on children’s registration documents and updated as and when necessary. 

Staff Vaccinations Policy:
It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure they keep up to date with their vaccinations for: 

  • Tetanus
  • Tuberculosis
  • Rubella
  • Hepatitis
  • Polio

If a member of staff is unsure as to whether they are up to date, then we recommend that they visit their GP or practice nurse for their own good health. 

Emergency Information: 

Emergency information should be kept for every child and should be updated every six months with regular reminders to parents in newsletters, at parents’ evenings and a reminder notice on the Parent Information Board. 


  • We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the setting. 
  • We provide information about opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents with basic skills needs, or those for whom English is an additional language. 
  • We welcome the contributions of parents, in whatever form these may take. 
  • We inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, complaints or suggestions and check to ensure these are understood. All parents have access to our written complaints procedure. We provide opportunities for parents to learn about the curriculum offered in the setting and about young children's learning, in the setting and at home. 

In compliance with the Welfare Requirements, the following documentation is in place: 

  • Admissions policy. 
  • Complaints procedure. 
  • Record of complaints. 
  • Developmental records of children.